나라별 여행정보/미국

하바수 폭포(Havasu Falls)/

프리 김앤리 2010. 10. 7. 00:05


하바수(Havasu)=18만5000에이커의 하바수파이 인디언 보호구역 내에 자리한 캠프그라운드. 해면 아래 10마일에 위치.

샘물이 솟는 폭포와 가까이 수영할 수 있는 공간이 있다.

하바수와 폭포 사이 샛강을 따라 펼쳐지며 시원한 사시나무 숲에 둘러싸여 있다.


가는 방법

사우스림(South Rim) 서쪽으로부터 후알라파이(Hualapai) 정상까지 자동차로 3~4시간이 소요되며

수파이까지는 하이킹을 하거나 왕복 150달러에 노새를 타고 가거나 또는 왕복 170달러에 비행기를 타고 가는 방법이 있다.

캠프그라운드는 거기에서 또 2마일을 더 들어가야 한다. 연중 내내 운영되며 200명 정도를 수용할 수 있다.

일인당 하루 이용료는 12달러이며 한 사람당 30달러의 입장료를 따로 내야한다. 차와 RV는 들어가지 못한다.

숙박및 투어

. 숙박: 928-448-2111

. 투어 사무소: 928-448-2121,2174



<공식 홈페이지에서>

 General Info

The Havasupai Reservation is located in one of the most beautiful and remote areas of the western Grand Canyon.

 The Village of Supai, is located in Havasu Canyon, a southwestern branch of the Grand Canyon,

and is accessible only by foot, horseback, or helicopter.

The village is the tribal center for the Havasupai Tribe and is noted for its four blue-green waterfalls and camping facilities.

Havasupai translates to People-Of-The-Blue-Green-Waters in English.

It is an eight mile hike to get to Supai via the Hualapai Trail which leaves from Hualapai Hilltop.

This can take from 3 to 6 hours walking or 3 to 5 hours riding, depending upon the physical shape you are in,

or how well you ride a horse.

You are expected to carry your own food and water (plus camping equipment) and to take your trash back out.

In the village of Supai itself has a store, cafe, lodge and museum for tourists.

The waterfalls are not actually located in the village of Supai itself

but are spread out along Havasu Creek over a distance of about 2 miles, beginning a little more than a mile north of the village.

The waterfall closest to the village is named Supai Falls and about a 1/4 mile north of there is Navajo Falls.

The Navajo Campground used to be located near Navajo Falls but it was destroyed by a flood some years ago and has not been rebuilt.

Havasu Falls, the most popular and most often photographed of the falls,

and the Havasu Campground are about 3/4 mile beyond Navajo and

Mooney Falls another mile beyond that.

Havasu Falls is 120 feet high and is a favorite spot for picnics.

Mooney falls is 190 feet high and the pool below it is the most popular swimming hole in the Canyon.

There is a trail that leads from the top of the falls to the pool below.

For a longer day hike you may also want to visit Beaver Falls which is 4 miles north of Mooney Falls.

This falls is smaller than Havasu and Mooney is more on a scale with Navajo Falls.

It is also possible to travel down Havasu Canyon via the Havasu Canyon Route to the Colorado River and Havasu Rapids.

It is about 10 miles one-way from the village of Supai to Havasu Rapids. Be prepared to get wet as the trail crosses the creek about 20 times.



Seasonal rates (April 1 - October 31) are:

Reservation entry fee: $30 per person
Camping fee (by the waterfall) $10 per person per night
Havasupai Lodge $135 per night
Walking no charge
Horse $70 one way / $120 round trip
Helicopter $65 one way / $120 round trip

Reservations require a 50% deposit 6 weeks prior to the reservation. You may pay by money order, cashier's check, or VISA / MasterCard.

For camping reservations you may call 928-448-2141.

For reservations ay Havasupai Lodge call 928-448-2111.

Directions to Supai

To get to Supai, you go West on I40 toward California.

Take the Seligman exit (also called old Route 66) North toward Peach Springs.

This is your last chance for gas.

37 miles from the Seligman exit is Indian Road 18 turning only to the right.

Drive on the paved road for 64 miles until you come to the edge of the canyon.

There is a large parking lot for about 200 cars.

Park and follow the trail down or wait for your horses there if you have reserved them.

To schedule a helicopter flight, call Action Helicopter at 520-282-7884 and ask for their schedule.

If you are coming from Kingman on Route 66, the Indian Road 18 is 6 miles from Peach Spring to your left.

There is a small sign saying "Frazier Well and Supai."

Additional Info

The village has been inhabited by the Havasupai since A.D. 1300.

There are 650 Tribal members in Supai within the 550 acres of the canyon.

You may take pictures of the environment but not of people or homes.

Tribal members are not talkative and are not tour guides so please limit your questions to those employed in the tourist industry.

The Havasupai know that the Grand Canyon is the origin of the human race so it is a sacred area.

You are expected to stay on the trails, respect whatever you find, and clean up after yourself.

The Museum and craft shop both have some material on the Havasupai people you might find interesting.

Contact Info

Havasupai Tourist Enterprise
Supai, AZ 86435
Tel: 928-448-2121
Fax: 928-448-2551

Havasupai Lodge
Supai, AZ 86435
Tel: 928-448-2111

Havasupai Tribal Council
Supai, AZ 86435
Tel: 928-448-2731